Tendonitos and a Kindle book.
Indeed the title of this post is more a description of my current state, As some of you know I enjoy technology that was state of the art around 1979, other items like Kindle and Nook aren't something I felt good about as I much prefer to have a book in my hand and mark pages. However when something is for nothing then it alters my perception. This is College Credit for less after all!
My doctor informs me that I have Tendonitos and need to rest my said limb to allow the rotar cuff to repair. So no more heavy books while reading. Just as well the first book I've got to look at is free and without pages it is a PDF document that was issued by the American government to educate us about our history.
click the link and download the book and then you'll have access to it while away from the internet,
Objective: To Understand generally percieved origins of peoples arriving in America from the earlist times along with native american culture the earliest arrival of Europeans, exploration, land claims , first English settlements, issues surrounding viability, differences between the colonies.
Further consideration or Questions that need to be answered as the come up in the exam regularly, there seems to be three different U.S History 1 exams within the CLEP system. No I won't tell you which questions you are going to get but generally certain issues come up again and again.
First Peoples:
What location is it thought that the first peoples to arrive in America migrated through?
Can you name the strait? (Bering Sea land bridge known as Beringia)
What year did native peoples begin harvesting and storing corn squash and beans (8.000BC)
N.B Homeschoolers and those with particular views of pre-history
The aims of this blog are not to dismiss a young earth or the idea of creationism which some people teach. These views appear to be a biblical worldview which I personally believe. However this is a test preparation page for a secular test in which certain idea's are graded for a score for secular college credit. Therefore what we believe the bible teaches and what the government want as a standard answer are two different things. You are allowed to believe that the earth is 6,000 years old or of uncertain young age but remember that a secular exam is not going to give you a correct score for answering a question with an answer which the College Board deems incorrect.
I personally believe that a Yom is a single day so those of a religious nature or worldview shouldn't take offence when an old earth answer is expected for this exam.
What people group first lived in settlement in Arizona and built ball courts and Pyramid-like mounds and practised irrigation?( Hohokam 1st C A.D)
Who are the Adenans and what did they build what year did they live? Who displaced them?
(burial sites in specific shapes displaced by the Hopewellians)
When the Hopewellians disappeared , and the Temple mound culture arose what city had special mounds built there and practised human sacrifices and slavery?
(built by the Mississipians, Cahokia had 30 meter mounds constructed)
Who built stone and adobe and stone Pueblos including a famous cliff palace of 200 rooms in Colorado . (Anasazi of Mesa Verde)
The Pueblo Bonito had 800 rooms in which NM river canyon?
(Anasazi of Chaco Canyon)
With the arrival of the European's what was the estimated population of Native Americans on the Continent (between 2-18 million)
What did the Europeans bring with them that killed millions of native americans after their first encounters? (smallpox and other diseases)
What kind of writing did the native Americans produce?
How was history passed down from generation to generation?
Irish Legend has it that Saint Brendan sailed to the America's around the same time as certain others first recorded encountered the 'vinelands' which we now know as North America who were they and where did the travel from?
(The Norse Vikings had a settlement around 1001 A.D in Northern Newfoundland which was excavated in 1963)
That will be good for a start.... let me know what you think in the comments box thanks